
Thursday, January 31, 2013


“Good Morning!” this very fit & very happy woman in her late forties greeted us.  She was wearing a big smile, a quarter zip Nike running jacket, fitted spandex pants, a Nike hat, and gloves, as she joyfully ran past us on her way back from her morning run.  I could barely get an audible response out, over my heavy, pathetic breathing (which was over the top for how slow we were going and the fact we had just started our run).  I clearly was not sharing the same sentiment as this cheery runner.  “We look like such noobs.”  B was obviously talking about how ill prepared we were to run in this weather.

It was a good 25 degrees Sunday morning, and we didn’t have the right clothes on at all.   (See yesterday's post!)   B had basketball shorts, pulled up socks, a long sleeve shirt, gloves, a hat, and sunglasses on.  I had cotton capri yoga pants, a long sleeve shirt, and a rain/wind breaker (in my mind, I thought it would be perfect because how thin it was).  I couldn’t find my hat or gloves, and the more I looked the more demotivated I became to get out the door, so I just said, “whatever” and decided to just get over it.  I was regretting this decision almost immediately.  I had to run with my hands in my pockets and the hood over my head, so all I really could do was look down. And that thin, little plastic barrier didn’t do much at all, except make a dramatic swooshing noise the entire run.  I completely agreed with B, we looked like noobs.  We were not having a good morning. 

Not only were we sporting all the wrong kind of clothes, but we were very much out of shape and paying the price.  All in all, it was just a bad start to the whole running thing.  As I finally dragged myself back into our driveway, B (who had been home for a couple mins by now) looked at me with a sarcastic grin, “How are those Belles doing?  Still ringing?”  ugh, not really…

The rest of the day I kept telling myself that the reason why our run was pretty miserable was the very cold weather.   I was going to have to break down and purchase some cold weather gear.  That had to be the reason, right?  Well God cleared the forecast, and gave me a beautiful 72 degree day on Tuesday to hit the trails.  So I put on a shirt and running shorts (I looked more the part this time around) and ran my 30 mins, and I still felt slow and out of shape.  Dang it!  So I guess the weather is not to blame. I will say, I felt a lot better than Sunday, but it was not the dramatic difference I was hoping for.  Maybe being out of shape and carrying around some extra weight is why the Sunday morning run beat me up so bad. (But just maybe.)

But, hey, we all have to start somewhere right? 

-Still Running with Belles on 


  1. I can just imagine B looking at you calling yourselves noobs! I laughed out loud! But what made it the most funny is I am right there with ya! I used to feel like a little gazelle in my little running shorts and now I refuse to out them on till I get a little closer to my ideal self! In the mean time I'm rocking frumpy T-shirts with bleach stains till I'm comf enough to start sporting my sleeker tanks and shorts :-) keep running!

  2. I was laughing the whole time! That was awesome--- I'm impressed you even tried running outside in 25 degree weather, I never would have stepped outside. Hell its probably 60 out right now here and I'm thinking I might do a video workout inside! Then no one can see me :) Keep it up girl...and get a hat for goodness sakes!!! You'll freeze your bells off! ;)

  3. Great post! Good job on running in 25 degree weather. Daniel and I ran tonight and its in the 50s at night... So I can only imagine. But if you can run in 25 degree weather, you can only improve from there:)
