
Saturday, January 26, 2013

My Fat Jeans

My Fat Jeans & My Small Dog

We all have them.  And if you don't, just humor me and pretend I am not the only one.  I bought my jeans one size too big online and I didn’t return them during the time window.  Well good thing I had them, I needed jeans to wear to work on casual Friday (my other, snugger jeans are in the wash). Although I am relieved to have a backup pair in the far reaches of my closet, it doesn't mean I am happy wearing them. Inside the fly, they have a little ribbon that says "lucky you."  This is just adding insult to injury.  When I put them on, I couldn't help but laugh.  I feel far from "lucky."  But as I threw this cranky, little pity party in my closet before work, I had no one to blame but myself.

I recently got married in August and for the 10 months I was engaged, I was SO motivated to lose the weight and lose it fast.  Between wedding photos and every single important person in our lives coming to see us get married, I was under some pretty high-pressure motivation.  I worked out, became a faithful follower of Weight Watchers, and declined dessert.  I lost the weight and felt great on our wedding day.  But right after the wedding, I let loose and ate all those delicious foods I neglected over the past year.  My husband and I went out to dinner regularly, ate greasy food during football games, and lazily ordered Chinese food whenever we wanted.  After all my hard work, heck I deserved to splurge, right?  Well, after a couple months of newlywed food bliss, the holidays came swooping in, and there was no bathing suit season in sight.  So I continued to eat all those delicious Halloween candies, coworker baked goods, thanksgiving leftovers, and Christmas cookies. And now I am wearing my fat jeans.

So my goal: Get out of my fat jeans and into my skinny ones by committing to a more healthy and active lifestyle!

How do I achieve my goal?  Like my wedding date, I need something on the horizon, something on my calendar I can't blow off.  After talking to my husband (from now on I'll refer to him has "B"), I finally convinced him to join me in preparing for a road race, the 1st of many goals to kick our health into high gear and get back into more loose fitting jeans.

One may ask: why am I dragging him into this?  He most certainly didn't go to Saint Mary's and commit to co-author a health blog.  Well, I am not nearly disciplined enough to do it alone.  I need a work out partner. (And I am not the only one with snug jeans lately.)  One big problem though, he hates running, I mean hates it.  I don't look forward to it, but he hates it.  So why on earth would we do this?  My sister & I ran the Chicago marathon back in 2010 to support my Mom and her bucket list, and it was just so incredibly rewarding.  B saw how much I enjoyed it, and he said he wanted to do one with me.  So now, I am holding him to it, and we are going to hit the road!  There is a local marathon/half marathon/8K on April 6th.  We aren't even going to pretend we are ready to make the marathon happen (yet), but the half marathon or the 8K (most likely the latter) have our names all over it.  Whether we like it or not, we are doing that race.

So it begins.  The quest for better health, and I wouldn't have done with without the wonderful girls behind this blog.  Thanks girls for the motivation!  My contribution to this sweet blog will be my struggles of getting off the couch, working out, eating healthier, sleeping better, and still balancing a social life.  So first stop on the path into my skinny jeans and a healthier life, April 6th! I will be Running with Belles on!


  1. Whelp... I better start looking for a race to get me motivated too! haha

    1. love this blog and I need to get back on the tread mill for summer.

  2. Well, all my jeans seem like fat jeans right now! I wish they said motivational things like : "sucks to be you" or "go for a run" and then my skinny jeans could say "we'll done" "sexy lady" haha perhaps we can make these labels and market them !!! Great post! So funny! Next time we get together we are all gonna be in our skinnies! Lucky us!!

  3. hahaha-Love the post Laura! and I love that idea of marketing motivational tags for our skinny/fat jeans! All of my nice stretchy fat jeans now have massive holes in them :( can't imagine why.... haha oh well...time to fit into the sexy jeans!!!
